Often Should We Partake of the LORD’S
SUPPER? THE Lord’s Supper, like so many essential points
of the original true doctrine, has fallen into the mire of erroneous tradition. Jude 3 exhorts us “that ye
should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the
saints.” Modern
Confusion Today different church denominations take this
sacred ordinance different ways. One church claims the bread and wine literally
are transferred into the actual body and blood of Christ. Some churches take
this “supper” every Sunday MORNING. Some take it once a month, in the morning.
Others take it four times a year; and at night. Truly “All we like sheep have gone astray; we
have turned every one to his own way,” Isaiah 53:6. There is but one way to get back to the plain
TRUTH once delivered to the saints, and that is to shelve our assumptions and
traditions, and then with open mind, diligently “search the Scriptures,” the
only true record of what was once delivered. The
First Lord’s Supper Let us examine the passage showing the first
institution of this ordinance. Notice, in Luke 22:14, “And when the hour
was come, He [Jesus] sat down, and the twelve Apostles with Him . . . And He
took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is
My body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of Me. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying,
This cup is the new testament in My blood, which is shed for you,” verses
19-20. Notice, it was “when the hour was come,” that
Jesus first introduced the bread and the wine. There was a DEFINITE TIME — a
definite hour — when He held this supper, setting us an example. Notice, too, He commanded them to observe it —
“THIS DO!” And why? “In remembrance of Me,” Jesus said. It was, then, a
MEMORIAL — in memory of His death. He instituted it on this tragic night, the
very eve of His death. In Matthew’s account, we read “And as they were
eating, Jesus took bread,” Matthew 26:26. It was “as they were eating” that He took bread and introduced
this solemn ordinance we call the Lord’s Supper. Eating what? Eating THE
PASSOVER! (verse 17, and Luke 22:15). Notice Matthew 26:2, “Ye know that after
two days is the feast of the Passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be
crucified.” Jesus knew His time had come. He was our Passover, sacrificed for us, I
Corinthians 5:7. “Now the
first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying
unto Him, Where wilt Thou that we prepare for Thee to eat the Passover?” Matthew
26:17. After sundown (the days began at sundown) Jesus
sat down with His twelve disciples in an upper room, Matthew 26:20; Mark
14:15. And as they were eating the Passover supper (Matthew
26:26), “Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the
disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is My body. And He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them,
saying, Drink ye all of it; for this is My blood of the New Testament, which is
shed for many for the remission of sins.” So we see it was the night of His final and last
Passover supper that Jesus introduced the Lord’s Supper. To thoroughly
understand the connection between the Lord’s Supper of the New Testament, and
the Passover of the Old, let us make a quick examination of the Passover. The
Ordinance Under the Old Covenant The original Passover marked the exodus of the
children of Israel out of Egypt. God had been pouring out the plagues upon
Egypt, to induce Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. You will find it recorded in
the twelfth chapter of Exodus. On the tenth day of the first month (the Hebrew,
or sacred year, began with the new moon in the Spring, near the equinox, not
midwinter), they were told to take a young lamb without spot or blemish, a type
of Christ, the Lamb of God. This lamb was to be kept until the fourteenth day
of the first month, Abib, when they were to kill it “in the evening” at dusk (verse
6). As soon as it was killed, the blood was to be
sprinkled over the doorposts of their houses. The lamb was to be roasted, and
eaten in haste. At midnight that night the angel of the Lord passed through the
land, striking dead all the firstborn of the land. But “when I see the blood, I
will pass over you,” the Lord told the Israelites. Many Jews today are
beginning to see that it was the BLOOD that saved them. For seven days they ate only unleavened bread.
The fourteenth of the first month, Abib, was the Passover, and the fifteenth
was a feast day, or annual holy day (verses 15, 16, and Numbers
28:16, 17). The fifteenth was the
first of seven days of unleavened bread, and the seventh of these, or the
twenty-first of Abib, was also a holy feast day, or annual Sabbath, called a
“high day” even still today by the Jews. Year after year Israel continued to observe the
Passover. The eating of the lamb symbolized the acceptance of the broken body
and spilled blood of Christ, showing their faith, looking forward, that He
would come. Instituted
an Ordinance Forever Now notice Exodus 12:17, 24. The Passover
was instituted an ordinance FOREVER. Some will say circumcision was not done
away, but was changed — today it is the HEART, Romans 2:29. In both cases God meant FOREVER, and so, as
we have seen, at the last Passover supper Jesus CHANGED the manner of
observance of this ordinance. No longer do we kill a lamb and eat it, since the
Lamb of God has been sacrificed once for all. Instead, we take the bread,
symbolizing His broken body, and the wine, symbolizing His shed blood, as a
memorial, looking back. How
Often Observed? Now notice Exodus 13:10, speaking of the
days of unleavened bread. “Thou shalt therefore keep this ordinance in his
season from year to year.” The time is once a year, at night, after the sun has
set in the beginning of the fourteenth of Abib. Jesus set us an example, I Peter 2:21,
observing it at this set time once a year, Luke 2:41. Suppose the Israelites in Egypt had observed
this ordinance at some other than this set time? They would not have been saved
when the Lord passed by that night! God does things ON TIME. He has given us an
exact time for this ordinance. Jesus
instituted it “when the hour was come.” The
Ordinance of Humility In giving us the account of the instituting of
the Lord’s Supper ordinance, Matthew, Mark, and Luke describe the taking of the
bread and wine. But John relates another part of this ordinance. It is in the thirteenth chapter of John.
Verse 1 shows the event is the last Passover. And, the supper being ended (verse
2), Jesus took a towel (verse 4) and began washing His disciples’
feet (verse 5). “So
after He had washed their feet, and had taken His garments, and was set down
again, He said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you? Ye call Me Master and Lord: and ye say well;
for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also
ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an EXAMPLE, THAT YE
SHOULD DO AS I HAVE DONE TO YOU,” verses 12-15. Many today do not want to humiliate themselves
by washing the feet of their Church brethren. Some argue that Jesus commanded
only the disciples to wash one another’s feet. But they will admit it was a
COMMAND to them. Very well; turn to Matthew 28:19, 20. “Go ye
therefore,” He said to these same disciples, “and teach all nations, baptizing
them. . . . Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded
YOU.” So they were to teach US to observe ALL things WHATSOEVER He commanded
them. Surely God is no respecter of persons! Kept
Once a Year in the Apostolic Church Now notice I Corinthians 5:7, 8, “Christ
our Passover, is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast, not with
old leaven . . . but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” Paul gives directions regarding the Lord’s
Supper in the 11th chapter of I Corinthians. Some have misunderstood verse
26, which says: “as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup,” and
interpret it to say “take it as often as you please.” But it does not say that! It says “as often” as we observe it, “ye do shew
the LORD’S DEATH till He come.” And
Jesus commanded, “this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me,” verse
25. We do it in remembrance of THE LORD’S DEATH — a memorial of His death.
And memorials of momentous occasions always are observed annually, once a year,
on the ANNIVERSARY of the event they commemorate. That is the way we observe
the Fourth of July, Armistice Day, etc. Jesus instituted this New Testament ordinance ON
fourteenth of Abib, Hebrew calendar. He was our Passover, sacrificed for us —
and He was sacrificed on the same exact day of the year that the Passover lambs
always had been slain! As the Old Testament Passover commemorated Israel’s
deliverance from Egypt, a type of sin, so the New Testament Lord’s Supper — a
continuation of the Passover with different emblems — commemorates Jesus’
death, and our deliverance from sin. Immediately after that last Supper, Jesus
and His disciples went out to Gethsemane, where, later that night, Judas Iscariot
led the bloodthirsty mob who seized Jesus, and led him away to be crucified
during the daylight part of the same 14th day of the month. Jesus set us an example, and by following His
example and observing this sacred ordinance at the same time He did — the same
time the Passover always was observed, commanded to continue FOREVER — we do
continue to remember His death, annually, on the very anniversary of His
crucifixion. It is the most solemn and sacred occasion of the year — especially
when observed at this correct scriptural hour! Notice verses 27, 29, in I Corinthians
11. This is not speaking about a Christian being worthy or unworthy to take
it. It is speaking of the MANNER in which we do it. To take of it UNWORTHILY is
to take it in a wrong manner. Had the ancient Israelites in Egypt observed the
first Passover at any time except the exact time appointed by God, they would
have done it unworthily, and suffered the plague. Surely if we, once we see and
know the truth, partake of this most sacred ordinance at any other time than
that set apart in the Scripture, we would do it unworthily, and to our
damnation. To take the bread and wine while not truly accepting the body and
blood of Christ with the whole heart would be taking it unworthily and to one’s
damnation. Let us observe it WORTHILY! Example
of the First Century Church The first century Church of God, under the
original Apostles, continued to observe this solemn ordinance once a year at
the set time. The days of unleavened bread were still being
observed. Notice Acts 20:6, “And we sailed away from Philippi after the days of
unleavened bread.” That was in 59 A.D. Then notice Acts 12:3. The Holy Spirit inspired these words, to
tell us the time of year: “Then were the days of unleavened bread.” That could
not have been written had these days been done away and kept only by
Christ-rejecting Jews. In the mouth of two or three witnesses is a
thing established. Notice a third text,
Acts 12:4. The word “Easter” is
a mistranslation. The Greek word is
“Pascha,” meaning PASSOVER. It is
exactly the same word used for “Passover” in Matthew 26:2, 17, 18, 19. Many other translations faithfully render
this “Passover” in this text, as it should be. So this text is, “intending
after the PASSOVER to bring him forth to the people.” This was more than ten
years after the New Testament church had been established. The
Meaning of “Break Bread” Some churches turn to Act 20:7 — “And
upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break
bread.” To them this says take the
Lord’s Supper every Sunday morning. Let us examine this. Notice verse 6. This was just AFTER the days of unleavened
bread, when the Lord’s supper had been taken. Paul was holding a farewell
meeting at Troas, ready to depart at sunrise. When was Paul preaching? It was not Sunday morning, but what would
now be called Saturday night. It was
between sunset, when the first day of the week commenced, and midnight (v. 7)
and there were many lights burning, verse 8. But it was after midnight before they broke bread, when they were
all getting hungry. Notice carefully,
it is in the eleventh verse: “And had broken bread and EATEN.” This bread-breaking was not the Lord’s
Supper, but eating a plain meal. “Break
bread” does not necessarily refer to the Lord’s Supper, as some have carelessly
assumed. In fact, this term is NEVER used to designate the Lord’s Supper in the
New Testament. Notice Acts 27:34, 35:
“Wherefore I pray you to take some MEAT . . . he took bread . . . and when he
had broken it, HE BEGAN TO EAT.” Notice Acts 2:46: “and breaking bread
from house to house, did EAT THEIR MEAT with gladness.” Here they were breaking
bread daily, eating meat, and Paul says if we eat to satisfy hunger at the
Lord’s Supper, we do it to our condemnation, I Corinthians 11:34 Then notice Matthew 26:29. Jesus said He would not again take the
Lord’s Supper until after His second coming, in His Kingdom. Yet, later, as He
sat “AT MEAT,” eating a meal, He broke bread and blessed it, Luke 24:30. They then used a kind of bread such as is used
in many European countries today, and instead of slicing, they broke it. “Break
bread” was a common term to indicate eating a meal. Let us return to the faith once delivered. Let
us humbly and obediently observe this solemn, sacred ordinance as we are
commanded, and at the time set apart in the Bible, after sundown on the
fourteenth of Abib, or Nisan, on the sacred Hebrew calendar. ![]() What did you think of this booklet? Please send any comments/suggestions to our Webmaster. |