Great Commission Church of God
Seal of the Church

Local Time


Last Updated:
16 February 2025

Great Commission Church of God


From our humble beginning as an independent Church of God ministry in the fall of 2000, our work has changed considerably. We began as a "house church", then grew to co-pastor a small, local congregation in the beautiful state of Colorado, USA. In early 2003, we began working with a Church group in rural Manyatta, Kenya. We've been serving in Kenya ever since.

Our work in Kenya grew over the years, as we now serve congregations in the Kisumu and Suna-Migori areas, on the shore of Lake Victoria. We've recently begun serving congregations in northeastern Tanzania, along the Kenya border. Since 2022, we have been working in cooperation with Fred Coulter of the Christain Biblical Church of God. They pass us requests coming from Kenya. Then we vet them and offer them the support of a network of Kenya-based Elders/Pastors. We have also helped the CBCG to distribute several hundred copies of the Faithful Version Bible to the brethren of various CoG groups in Kenya and Tanzania.

John 4:35 "Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest."

Update: We're getting old, and as we now have a number of African-based Elders, our congregation planting days are over. Going forward, we will continue to help these dedicated men in serving the African brethren by supplying them with books, booklets, sermon transcripts, and answers to their Bible questions.

Also, due to health reasons, we are no longer able to host local weekly Sabbath services. We suggest joining us for Live Services with the nice folks at the Christian Biblical Church of God every Saturday at 1:30 PM (Pacific) 4:30 PM (Eastern) UTC 20:30.

DONATIONS: Even if you can only spare a few dollars, the brethren we serve in Kenya can sure use your help. Thank you!
Click on our GiveSendGo campaign

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